![Sandwiches with a variety of toppings such as arugula, blue cheese, dried tomatoes, slices of pear, Sandwiches with a variety of toppings such as arugula, blue cheese, dried tomatoes, slices of pear,](http://preview.qiantucdn.com/paixin/49/50/62/17P58PICk5szJFjXbAd4n_PIC2018.jpg!w1024_new_small_1)
Sandwiches with a variety of toppings such as arugula, blue cheese, dried tomatoes, slices of pear, 是由千图正版高清摄影图库提供下载服务,本次桃李杏枣柿摄影图编号是40050674,格式是jpg,摄影图源文件大小是7.4 MB。Sandwiches with a variety of toppings such as arugula, blue cheese, dried tomatoes, slices of pear, 分辨率是0dpi ,图片尺寸为4288x2848,千图已获取作者授权,有权就作品进行销售,授权方式为VRF协议。购买千图VIP即可免费下载。